Wirral Council and ION Developments are working together on exciting plans to transform brownfield land between Conway Street and Green Lane, Birkenhead into a new sustainable urban village.

Before a planning application is submitted to Wirral Council, we would like to know what you think of the draft plans and the name Borough. Please have your say by completing a feedback form.

If you missed one of our consultation events at BirkenEd’s Place, all the information displayed can be downloaded here. If you have any questions, please contact us.

The Proposals

In summary, the proposals include:

  • Up to 1,600 new homes (including 10% affordable) with associated car and cycle parking at levels reflecting the highly accessible location
  • Complementary uses such as shops, cafes/restaurants, healthcare, nursery services, offices, care services and hotel
  • High quality public realm and new public open spaces, including Dock Branch South (new linear community park)
  • A new primary school
  • Multi-storey car park / mobility hub
  • Mollington Link to Hind Street Active Travel route
  • Removal of the Borough Road (A5227) and Queensway Tunnel flyovers and appropriate highway mitigation measures

The planning application will seek permission for the principle of the majority of the proposals above apart from Mollington Way Active Travel route, Dock Branch South, and removal of the Borough Road and Queensway Tunnel flyovers, which will be applied for in detail.  Further information on the planning application is provided on the planning page.

Aerial view of the site
Aerial visual of the proposals